Democrat Photo by Matthew A. Youngfrau
Dozens of people walked at SCCC Saturday to raise money for the March of Dimes
Locals Turn Out to Help Needy
By Matthew A. Youngfrau
LOCH SHELDRAKE May 2, 2000 -- Just like the beginning of a walking or running race, a good start in life is key.
Unfortunately, not everyone gets off to a good start. In fact, there are over 1,500 birth defects each year. To combat this, the March of Dimes has, for the last 30 years, raised over $1 billion nationwide to prevent birth defects.
One of their biggest fundraisers is, appropriately enough, their annual Walk-A-Thon. On Saturday, locals took to the roads and parking lots of Sullivan County Community College in the March of Dimes WalkAmerica 2000. Almost 100 people raised money to help battle birth defects that day.
This event brings the community together, observed an event coordinator, Catherine Allison. This walk will help save babies. That is what is important.
The number of walkers increases each year, commented WVOS Program Director Mike Sakell (the radio station helped sponsor the event). Its a good cause. A healthy start to life makes everything easier.
The walk took place at the entranceways to the college in Loch Sheldrake. Once around the circular driveway was three miles, but the walkers had to do six miles, or two full circles. Participants had unlimited time to complete the course.
While the event has such national sponsors as K-mart, Dannon, Kraft Handi-Snacks and Canon, local sponsors included CIGNA Healthcare, Superior Bank FSB, Oldies 97.7, WVOS, Time Warner Cable, and others.
This is one of the most important events we do each year, SCCC President and event co-chair Mamie Howard Golladay stated. The children are our future. For me personally, I want to return the blessings I have received.
This has grown every year, WVOS owner Gene Blabey said. We hope and expect even more this year. This is the most important fundraiser in Sullivan County for MDA [March of Dimes of America] and infant mortality.
Individuals and teams both entered the event. Some of the teams represented Team Fit Walk (who raised $2,292), The First National Bank of Jeffersonville ($2,000), Community General Hospital ($1,500), and others like SCCCs Honor Society and Fleet Bank. All-in-all, over $10,000 was raised for MDA.
The event was kicked off by a performance of the line-dancing group Kountry Kickers. WVOS donated the t-shirts for the event and did a live remote.