Saturday, May 25
Town of Mamakating: V.F.W. Post #4947 will place flags on the following cemeteries; Burlingham, Winterton, Bloomingburg Rural Free, Phillipsport and also the Phillipsport Community Center. Flag placement at the cemeteries took place between May 1518. Services at these cemeteries will take place May 2225.
Sunday, May 27
Woodridge: 4 p.m. Memorial Service at Veterans Park on Roosevelt Avenue in Woodridge.
Bloomingburg: The village will host a parade starting at 1 p.m. V.F.W. Post #4947 will march in this parade and will perform the cemetery service at the conclusion of the parade.
Town of Tusten: 11:15 a.m. Ceremonies at the cemeteries in the following order: 1. Lava, 2. St. Francis, 3. Glen Cove. Sponsored by the V.F.W. Tusten Highland Post #6427. Participants will proceed to the oldest Baptist Church in Narrowsburg on Route 97 for a ceremony at approximately 2 p.m.
Monday, May 28
Town of Mamakating: V.F.W. Post #4947 has been invited to participate in ceremonies at the Summitville Honor Roll.
Forestburgh: 9 a.m. Service at Veterans Triangle, Route 42 South, Forestburgh. Refreshments to follow at the Forestburgh Fire House; Sponsored by the Town of Forestburgh, The American Legion, the Jewish War Veterans and the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Monticello: Service at the Veterans Monument, County Government Center, 100 North Street, Monticello at 10:30 a.m. Master of Ceremonies: Al Etkin. Refreshments following at the Elks Lodge, Monticello.
Liberty: 10 a.m. Parade line-up on West Liberty Street and North Main Street. Parade will start at 10:30 a.m. and travel through the business district in the Village of Liberty, proceed down Church Street, and end at the Liberty Veterans Cemetery on Cold Spring Road. At the Cemetery, there will be a program followed by a Wreath Ceremony; Clarence Hoyt VFW Post#9217 will participate, as will Cpl Russell D. Sprague Post #109 of the American Legion.
County Service in Liberty: 1 p.m. The Veterans Service Agency will provide a Memorial Service and Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Sullivan County Veterans Cemetery, Sunset Lake Road, Liberty. Master of Ceremonies: Veterans Service Agency Director John Crotty. Speaker will be Major Dan Colvin, currently serving as the Executive Officer of Marine Aircraft Group 49, Detachment B, located at Stewart Air National Guard Base.Major Colvin served over 25 years including 10 years as an enlisted marine.
Wurtsboro: Annual Memorial Day Parade. Line up on Pine Street in front of the Post at 12:30 p.m. The Parade kicks off at 1 p.m Sponsored by American Legion Post# 1266 of Wurtsboro. The parade will conclude at the Veterans Park in Wurtsboro. After the service at the Veterans Park, individuals are welcome to the Legion Post for refreshments.
Bethel: 11 a.m. Service at Town of Bethel Veterans Park, Kauneonga Lake.
Fremont Center: 128th Annual Fremont Center Memorial Day Parade. The second oldest Memorial Day Parade in the State of New York. Road Closes at 9 a.m. VFW Post #7276 and its Auxiliary will participate in the Fremont Center Memorial Service starting at 9:30 a.m., at the Veterans Park next to the Town Barn at the Intersections of Route 93, 94, and 95 Downtown Fremont Center. Post members will then participate in the Parade to the Firemen’s Ball Field. Parade steps off at 10 a.m. Recognizing those who served in the Dominican Crisis of 1965-1966. Presentation of Memorial Flag to the McAdams family in memory of the McAdams boys. Following the Fremont Center Community Church will be selling barbecued half chickens at the Fremont Center Field. Note: The church will NOT be holding its traditional ham dinner..
Long Eddy: 1 p.m. VFW Post #7276 will conduct VFW Memorial Services at the foot of our namesake’s grave in the Long Eddy Cemetery. Area veterans groups are invited to attend and participate. Following the service the Auxiliary will host its annual lunch at the Long Eddy firehouse. All area residents are invited to attend all of the above events to honor the memory of our neighbors who gave all for our Freedom.
Obernburg: 3 p.m. Service at St. Mary’s Church, refreshments to follow.
Neversink: 11 a.m. Flag Ceremony at the Flagpole, Grahamsville Rural Cemetery.
Eldred: 9 a.m. American Legion Post #1363 will conduct a Memorial Service at Eldred Cemetery, Route 55.
Barryville: 9:30 a.m. American Legion Post #1363 will conduct a Memorial Service at the Barryville Cemetery, Mail Road.
Glen Spey: 10 a.m. American Legion Post #1363 will conduct a Memorial Service at Glen Spey Town Hall
Roscoe: Memorial Day Service and Parade will begin at 10 a.m. Memorial Service to immediately follow parade. Guest speaker. Patriotic music by Roscoe Central School Band and Chorus. Location: Roscoe Fire Department Community Center (Old Route 17). Info: Fritz Kirchner, 607-498-4325